Highlanders Baseball
needs a few more Players |
Do you miss
the crack of a baseball rocketing off a WOOD BAT? Do you
miss puttin' on metal spikes and gettin' dirty diving
for that "web gem" play? Miss the thrill of blowing a
fastball by a hitter? Getting mobbed by your team for
that walk off hit that drives in the winning run? We
play hard and we play to win but most importantly we
have fun.
So if you are a former or current player who has what it
takes to compete. We are gearing up for the 2010 season!
We need for Pitchers, another catcher and players who can
play any position....
Tryout now! Use this
Player Registration form 2010
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Brett Bros. Baseball Equipment
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Pro Baseball Gloves, Glove Lace Kits, NFHS
MLB Baseballs, Helmets,
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Special Team Prices see
Bats 4 Sale |